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Found 35311 results for any of the keywords 18th 19th century. Time 0.012 seconds.
Historical Reproduction Clothing and Costumes For Reenactment MuseumsLooking for historical garments and authentic reproduction clothing or costume? We have what you need. 17th, 18th, 19th century, civilian, ladies, boys and girls, garments and apparel of the American Civil War (Confedera
Rare Antique Paintings Auctions | Bidsquare | BidsquareBid on a wide variety of Paintings at Bidsquare s Auction. Featuring thousands of paintings from top-rated auction houses and galleries around the world.
18th century Georgian glass, 19th century Victorian Glass, Worcester pBuy vintage and antique glassware. Georgian air twist and opaque twist glasses and baluster wine glasses and more from the 17th and 18th century, Bohemian glass, 19th century Victorian and art glass. Antique English Fren
19th Century Civil War and Victorian Reproduction Clothing GarmentsLooking for historical garments and authentic reproduction clothing or costume? We have what you need. Plus sizes, period dress, victorian, southern belle, 17th, 18th, 19th century, civilian, ladies, boys and girls, garm
The Antique Bookshop Curios (ANZAAB) - AbeBooks - Crows NestThe Antique Bookshop Curios (ANZAAB)
The Wayback Collector: Find of 19th Century Tobacco Card CollectionApproximately 800 19th century sports and non-sports cards are entering the hobby for the first time after a major east coast find.
Oakham Fine Art Gallery | Original 19th and 20th Century PaintingsOriginal 19th Century and 20th Century British and European Paintings and other Fine Art in Oils, Watercolors, Etchings, Pen and Ink, Mixed Media and Print.
Chinese antique porcelain, ceramics, antique porcelain and other antiqFrom own shipwreck excavations we provide; Chinese porcelain, celadon, ceramics and other antique pottery for sale
Antique storage jarspottery Jars from 14-16th century shipwrecks.
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